
The Axial system is based on the composition following one or more axis. For my design I used a single axis on the middle and inserted the text around it, and used a single pink square to call the attention of the viewer to the title.

The Dilational system is based on having one text or texts going around a single point. I used 3 different focal points for my texts so that I would have 3 groups, each one with its own type of information.

The Grid System is based on having the information organised on a grid. For my design I decided to divide the composition in two sections by using the rectangles to differentiate between each. I then used a grid to insert the text into each section.

The Modular system is based on having objects for the text to be organised in. I wanted to organise my text on something that allowed the viewer to see that the information is inserted into a module, and I used essentially a rectangle where only the upper and lower border are visible.

The Transitional system makes the text looking like its fragmented and its going in a certain direction. I wanted mine to be a lot different from the previous systems, so I made it all wavy and each section going in its own direction. I also used a square to emphasise the aspect of being free.

The Radial system has the text coming from a focal point, and we can have as many focal points as we wish. For this composition I chose to have a single focal point and include lines to separate each group of information. I also included a circle on the background so that it would resemble lens flare.

The Random system is essentially based on following no rules where everything is allowed. Even by everything being allowed I still wanted it to have sections where it was readable so I just repeated the date which is something important all around the composition, and using the bold weight to show better certain information.

The Bilateral system is based on having one or more axis and centring the information on it. I wanted some that was simple to read and had a clear hierarchy, so I used only one axis and inserted the text on it, using a highlight colour to bring importance to the title.

